Ellie Dance Studio is moved to New Location in Roseburg!! 735 SE Cass Ave. Roseburg, OR

Damian Dantibo

DAMIAN was mostly raised in Roseburg. He started to learn Martial Arts when he was 9 years old. Damian went to Japan for the first time when he was 18 years old where he trained at Mixed Martial Arts gym PUREBRED Omiya and played baseball. After that he went to east-side area in the U.S. to play college baseball. After that, He moved to Los Angeles, CA to become an MMA fighter. He was an assistant as he trained at BLACKHOUSE in LA. He has trained with many talented fighters including; Anderson Silva, Rafael Feijao, Bob Anderson, Rafael Cordero, Eddie Bravo, Glen Hamby, Erik Paulson, Rich, Beau Hershberger, Jimmy Kang, Roberto Piccinini, Erin Brownstein, Stewart Fowler, Larry Kieth and more.

Click here for Damian of SherDog page  

Click here for Damian's Reel 

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